Spherical UFO filmed near Milan “Italy”

A large spherical UFO filmed near milan, Italy. This is what happened on the sunny day of June 29, 2017.

That strange flying object has risen from nothing!” These are the words of the witness who spotted the UFO, explains the Mediterranean Uphological Center in a note.

spherical ufo filmed near milan

The UFO as seen from the video was like a rolling gray ball, which was peculiar and then approaching it has become ever larger, has crossed the sky in front of the various witnesses very fast, with a straight movement without any altitude variation, many people in the area say that no airplanes have ever flown into the sky in that area.

The surprising thing, in some ways, is that this UFO was spotted on the same day as the famous “Lavagna flying saucer”, with about 3 hours difference. And this makes it a really bizarre and intriguing case.


UFO spotted in porto Miggiano – Italy

UFO sighting in Lecce – Italy, Salento

What do you think about this sighting? Let me know in the comments!

Video Source: CUFOM TV

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