Spherical UFO sighted on google maps

Ufologists all over the world are excited after discovering a spherical UFO sighted on google maps, we are in the state of New York, many thinks this is an irrefutable proof that aliens have visited that precise state. The images were made public in a Youtube video published by the user “the truth is out there“. According to the clip, the gray sphere was spotted at Lake George.

It is not the first time that there are extraterrestrial or suspicious objects in google maps such as the case: UFO at NASA Laboratory – Jet Propulsion

Coordinates 43° 36’24″N – 73° 31’51” W
spherical ufo sighted on google maps“Spherical UFO sighted on google maps”

As always the human race is driven to seek life outside our planet, it is not easy to give an answer to this… we feel alone? Sometimes this is done obsessively enough to ruin the ufology itself. It is undeniable that the argument of Aliens and UFO in recent years has grown considerably, there are many people who declare sightings and even be captured and kidnapped by aliens. In this case we have people who search on google map anomalies or suspicious photos :).
Spherical UFOs are very common in sightings, according to statistics the spherical shape is the most common. The image taken by google maps dates back to 2013, and with this, the story has flooded with hypotheses, criticisms and comments. Among the many users, someone pointed out that the sphere is identical to the Google Photo Sphere.
So it could be a simply problem of google maps in the images assembly, a trivial digital error… Analyzing in detail the photo in the lower part we can see 3 portholes, a grayish and a lighter part. The object, however, seems without a thickness, like it is flat… and this makes me think it is a fake. Definitely we have seen much more credible material in the past, what do you think?


  1. Silly Billy 21 June 2018
    • Ufo Advisor 21 June 2018
  2. King_Mega 9 December 2019

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